Presentation Advice

Advice to help you with your presentation!

Make sure you check out for presentation tips!

Project Presentations on Friday

On Friday at 12:30pm BST you'll get the chance to present your projects to the judges! By this time your projects should be submitted on DevPost. Each team will have exactly 5 minutes to present and will be marked based on the judging criteria

What we expect from your presentation

  • Clear explanation of your idea and how it links to your chosen project theme

  • Show off your project! We'll let you screen share so you can demo what you've got working so far (don't worry if there's still bugs or it's unfinished, that's normal!)

  • Everyone in your team involved in the presentation (excluding mentors)

  • Tell us what you've learnt! Especially if it's from one of the technical workshops or guidance from your mentors

  • Let us know how your project meets the judging criteria

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the project presentations, make sure you ask them in the #feedback channel on Slack and one of the organising team will be happy to answer them!

Last updated